EscaTEQ Method
Utilizes lightweight, easy to use and inexpensive hand-held tools.
- Frequency: Includes cleaning every month, 12 x Per Year.
- Cost: approximately €1,000.00 per year for 12 cleaning sessions
- Procedure: Individual with light training, utilizing hand held tools.
Machine Method
Utilizes heavy, cumbersome, complicated and expensive machines.
- Frequency: Typically once per year.
- Cost: Approximately €1,000 per annual cleaning session.
- Procedure: Blocking the escalator, deploying a crew, extensive cleaning times.
What you’ll require to clean one escalator, 12 times per year (tools not included)
4 Absorb-TEQ Pads
4 Riser-TEQ Pads
3 Rail-TEQ Pads
1 Can of Clean-TEQ
1 Can of Rubber-TEQ

Calculations and Disclaimers
The calculations portrayed are estimates. Hourly rates used were based on €30.00 per hour and EscaTEQ reusable cleaning pads and solution costs were based on averages and estimates of our client’s annual usage per escalator. EscaTEQ’s 2024 MSRP price list was used for material costs. Your requirements, results and costs may vary. estimates for one annual escalator cleaning by an outsourced firm thorough out the EU were defined as costing between €700.00 and €1,000.00 per cleaning. Your costs may vary.
To find out how much your escalators can cost to clean monthly, contact us at [email protected]